The last post was at 13th December, which is 10 days ago; the previous one was 5th, which is 3 weeks ago, am I being too busy or too lazy?
I have always been a lazy person. At first when I started to blog, I thought I would be determined enough to continue blogging for I don't know, 5, 15 years?
Now, I am closed to finishing my third year of study, which means marching into the fifth year of blogging, I seems to have another excuse for not blogging, that is busy of course.
University students are busy, busy with assignments, busy with test, busy with entertainments, busy with skipping classes, busy enjoying life. I have been through 3 years of university life with that kind of "temporary busy life", it is just temporary because it would repeat itself every semester, again and again.
I am not someone with strong initiative, in fact, I used to be someone who tries to avoid things(troubles?) as long as it's possible. I've grown, I've changed, throughout these years. Getting touch with the outside world makes me realise how naive I was, thinking that people can live as an individual, not as a part of this world. I've met some obstacles, been through some hard moments, teaching me lessons that I could never learn from books, I could never learn, if I close myself inside my room.
Things don't always go the way we like, in fact, they often don't. There's a saying "if you cannot change the environment, you change yourself". Human is a flexible animal, they change, to fit into the surroundings, that's the way they march forward.
University life shouldn't be just academic and entertainment, it should be something more, something that, could make life different, I realise this only at last semester. I don't know whether it's too late, at least I am making progresses, utilizing the last year of my precious university life. For that, I am glad.
A short six months, I've been through many things, many "first times", starting from the first introduction into the world of research; proceed to doing some real experiments; joining a research project(being selected to be exact); hectic life with lab experiments, assignments due, project preparation, tests; doing some practical DIY works; second oversea experience; floating in the air(yes, literally); continue with EVEN hectic life.
Of course there are complains, frustration moments happening throughout the journey, but the things that I earned, they are priceless.