together with my HDR scenes!
Haha it's a weird feeling, appearing in someone else dream is one thing, my HDR pictures even induced a new scene inside the dream, this is a big WOW for me.
Life is like a dream?
I am not the planning kind of person who knows what he wants, what he will achieve in what period of life. Life is somehow a dream to me, a dream full of surprises.
Tracing back to high school times, one of the biggest difference with primary school is that, there is a field for soccer, which I had never been interested before as I think I'd only played soccer once in primary school. But then, soccer has become one of my favourite sports for the rest of my high school life.
When my form 5 life starts, have I ever thought of persuading study at other states?
One year later, I started my life without pampering from family at Malacca.
When I first play with Rubik's Cube, which was like 4/5 years old?, have I ever thought that I am able to solve it?
Now I can proudly call myself a speedcuber with average time of less than 20 seconds.
When I was able to speedcube, have I ever thought of getting any benefit from that?
I once wrote at my blog that Hong Kong is a big, far dream for me. Few months later, I reached Hong Kong land, consequence of speedcubing.
When the trip to Bangkok has been called off, have I ever thought of having a second oversea experience so fast?
When I look at the pictures of friend's trip in Japan, have I ever thought that I am able to have the same experience?
When I start learning Japanese, have I ever thought that I could really make use of what I have learnt?
When I look at the scenes appeared in Japanese drama, have I ever thought that I could be in those places?
Maybe yes,
but life has granted me a chance, to make it happen, in less than half year time.
Life is like a dream,
you still have to work for it.