together with my HDR scenes!
Haha it's a weird feeling, appearing in someone else dream is one thing, my HDR pictures even induced a new scene inside the dream, this is a big WOW for me.
Life is like a dream?
I am not the planning kind of person who knows what he wants, what he will achieve in what period of life. Life is somehow a dream to me, a dream full of surprises.
Tracing back to high school times, one of the biggest difference with primary school is that, there is a field for soccer, which I had never been interested before as I think I'd only played soccer once in primary school. But then, soccer has become one of my favourite sports for the rest of my high school life.
When my form 5 life starts, have I ever thought of persuading study at other states?
One year later, I started my life without pampering from family at Malacca.
When I first play with Rubik's Cube, which was like 4/5 years old?, have I ever thought that I am able to solve it?
Now I can proudly call myself a speedcuber with average time of less than 20 seconds.
When I was able to speedcube, have I ever thought of getting any benefit from that?
I once wrote at my blog that Hong Kong is a big, far dream for me. Few months later, I reached Hong Kong land, consequence of speedcubing.
When the trip to Bangkok has been called off, have I ever thought of having a second oversea experience so fast?
When I look at the pictures of friend's trip in Japan, have I ever thought that I am able to have the same experience?
When I start learning Japanese, have I ever thought that I could really make use of what I have learnt?
When I look at the scenes appeared in Japanese drama, have I ever thought that I could be in those places?
Maybe yes,
but life has granted me a chance, to make it happen, in less than half year time.
Life is like a dream,
you still have to work for it.
wow you going japan?
it's time to work out my dreams!
yea, although it's just, again, a few days trip which the initial purpose isn't a vacation visit.
and to reply your latest blog post(I couldn't find any comment page there and I don't want to do it at chat box, so.. pardon me)
i used to be depressed sometimes, emo sometimes, think a lot sometimes, and when i think more, i will be drown by more and more negative thoughts, and continue to feel depress.
This happens quite often, at least once in one semester.
well, for this semester, it happened at the beginning of the term, because i was packed with a hell, darn report under a short duration, i felt lost, felt like giving up, because i don't know what's the purpose of doing it, wasting all my energy.
but i am feeling a lot better now, i think it's not worth the time to feel depress, instead the time should be used to do something else, anything will do, or better still, take the chance to know what we really want.
I have, now, at least some target in life that will keep me busy for the following weeks and months, I am more concentrate on what should I do rather than thinking what to do, that’s the best cure for depressions.
i keep myself busy and i am enjoying it, i am training myself, exposing myself to any new challenges/possibilities, i still haven't find what i really want, but at least i am making some progress on persuading it.
yea, dare to dream, just like the video you shared on facebook, when we were kids, there are so many unknowns in the future but we never afraid to step forward..
why stop now?
one day you will find what you really want, and that's where you belong to, that's where dream(life) starts.
and that is the biggest present life could give us
hehe sorry for telling grandmother story, i wanted to share these things quite long ago but i just couldn't find way to start it, since i am in the mood now, so... =D
anyway, good luck in persuading your dreams
hey thanks! it's really encouraging.
very contradicting. emo coz recess week is near. i cant wait to go home, on the other hand, my to-do-list is starting to pill up so i am stressed and pekchek.
anyway feel better now. took some time to think and refresh my mind. i am here to fulfill my dreams. after 1 year i should've learned how to clear obstacles myself but not moaning and groaning anymore.
i know what i should do and hope emojoanne will not appear anymore! haha
let's keep going! =]
take more photos when you are in japan k? =]
ps: i wanted to put comment page in my blog but i dont know how, so..
paise ler make here become chatbox like that =P
hahaha, actually, the moment i finish dropping the last comment, i also feel a bit frustrated with the never ending to-do-list of mine, but now that it's mostly reaching end of everything, i feel "normal" again XD
haha let emoJ and emoG stay at their virtual world, they have their life and we have ours
anyway, the to-do-list in japan will be even longer, not sure whether i have enough time to complete haha
i don mind having comments, recently my blog is kinda dead you see, but replying your post at my page will let you have problem keep track on it, so, maybe you got another to-do-thing in your list..html!
hello i am here again! coz i am troubled so i come back for your long comment. now i realised it's very hard to 两全其美. student exchange in hk? or pia in nus to pull my cgpa? the previous was an unfulfilled dream while later is my target. it's hard to decide which to let go, yet i cant move on with two.
paise come here tell story coz my place cant comment =P
anyway never ask this, when are you going japan?
haha welcome, i like to have guest
yea it's hard to 两全其美, life is about give and take, i've been very busy and get no weekend since the beginning of this sem and i guess life like this will continue at least until november, maybe can take a breath that time, but only a breath, starting from december, the busy life will continue for one whole year i guess.
but oh well, like you said, 舍得舍得,有舍才有得
i don't mind losing some time, after all, i get things that are more important, also, this is the final stage of life where losing is dispensable for me!
well for your case, i don't see any conflict for having both?
you can always have a break in your actual study and go for student exchange then come back continue your study no?
ya you might get some delay in completing your course, but who cares
i am kinda regret now, wasting the first two years of my uni life, not joining any activities
like i said just now, this is the time in life where we are afford to lose, we should grab any chances that come to us, if not finding them ourselves
so, now that a big chance comes to me, and probably the last chance i have before the last, busy year of my uni life, i will give my everything
and this is the reason i am going japan in the end of this year, although probably a less than one week trip, and mostly will be busy on doing the project,
it's japan!
and it's winter!
hahahaha sorry for being snua pa, i am really that snua pa haha
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