Friday, 29 February 2008

Chipmunk 花栗鼠

When we talk about Chipmunks,
The first thing comes to your mind is?

《Alvin and The Chipmunks》

Some of you might already heard of this song,
but this is different, listen to it one more time,
you won't regret.


分类 啮齿目松鼠科
产地 亚洲东北部、韩国、日本北海道
体重 大约都在100公克
寿命 平均5~10年
习性 属于昼行性动物

韭菜、生姜以及葱蒜类蔬菜是花栗鼠不能吃的食物,而且咖啡和巧克力会使花栗鼠吃了以后会中毒,喂食的蔬果一定要清洗干净,避免农药还残留在蔬果上........切记! 切记 !

The 3 chipmunks statue that I saw in a shop which sells plants.

How cute~~

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